
Refugees, noodles, and water. Well. I would like to say I remember all this in great detail, but the fact is I did most of this nine months ago. I don’t even remember what I made, other than that it tasted good! Luckily, there is a reason I keep other documentation of this project besides this blog.

Book: We Measure the Earth With Our Bodies by Tsering Yangzom Lama

I did have to look up a summary to remind myself, as I only remembered vague bits, but I do remember liking the book! It jumps back and forth between modern day Canada and a Tibetan refugee camp. Unfortunately for you, I no longer remember what’s a spoiler and what’s not, so that’s all the summary you’re getting.

The movie: Nangchen Shorts, Rural Life in Tibet

I found this on Kanopy, I was going to watch a full length movie (and have been meaning to for many, many months), but in the end just wanted to get this blog post out. It was a (very) short film about how these women in a rural monastery collect water. One of them has to take an 80-pound bucket to the nearest water source an hour away, four times a day!

The food: Thenthuk (Tibetan Noodle Soup)

I followed this recipe. It was a pretty easy recipe, and would probably work with all sorts of veggies. It was pretty fun to make the noodles and they were also a lot easier to make than I expected! Although, ours certainly didn’t turn out very uniform.

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